IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Statement of Responsibility In accordance with paragraph 1-a), Article 245, of the Securities Code, we declare that insofar as we are aware: - the management report, the annual accounts and all other documen- tation pertaining to the accounts of Ibersol SGPS, S.A. demanded by law or regulation, referring to 2020, were prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting standards, providing a true and appropriate image of the assets and liabilities, the financial situation and the results of Ibersol SGPS, S.A. and the companies included in the consolidation perimeter; - the information included in the management report faithfully express- es the evolution of business, performance, and the position of Ibersol SGPS, S.A. and the companies included in the consolidation perimeter, and contains a description of the main risks and uncertainties they face. António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa António Alberto Guerra Leal Teixeira Juan Carlos Vázquez-Dodero 213