IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Service Packaging (kg) Imported Product Packaging (Kg) Total (Kg) Plastic 110 362 45 844 156 205 Paper/Cardboard 1 237 328 556 227 1 793 555 Steel/Aluminium 1 122 3 021 4 143 Total 1 348 812 605 092 1 953 903 Given the importance of the issue, the performance of the packag- ing waste indicator is watched carefully. In 2020 around 2 tonnes of waste were generated, an increase of 15% compared to 2019, which is explained by the Ibersol Group’s increased use of take-away and home delivery services, opening of new restaurants and greater use of ag- gregator services such as Glovo and Uber Eats, covering more points of sale and territory. Production of packaging waste – service packaging delivered to cus- tomers and raw-material and product packaging – is inevitable in a sector such as that in which the Ibersol Group operates and became even more relevant in the context of a pandemic such as that which was experienced in 2020, with an increase in take-away and home delivery services. 139